Eco-Dev Vision from the 20-Year Comprehensive Plan (adopted December 2009)
In the year 2030, additional commercial land uses have contributed to the local economy by serving the needs of year-round residents as well as seasonal visitors. For nearly two decades now, 100% of Three Lakes residents have had access to the best high speed internet and broadband options in the the entire Northwoods. The business inventory in Three Lakes consists of a stable mix of service, technology, cultural arts, retail, light manufacturing, and tourism-based industries. Cranberry production and other agricultural forest products continue to thrive. The Town economy is diversified, providing well-paying local jobs and supporting the local tax base. The Town has utilized main street and streetscape planning to enhance the downtown area by expanding community gathering places and providing increased connectivity for residents and vacationers.
Where We Are Today
Three Lakes is reinventing its local economy from one that over the past 100 years has relied nearly exclusively on tourism into a diversified infrastructure founded on the four cornerstones of technology, tourism, agriculture, and the cultural arts. With our greatest natural resource being the largest chain of lakes in the State of Wisconsin, tourism will forever remain an important calling card to attract visitors. However, we now boast more high speed internet and broadband options than any other community in a five county region, making Three Lakes the anchor for technology in the Northwoods. Three Lakes truly is a place where you can work with all the latest technology you need while enjoying the highest quality of life with our pristine water, pure air, no traffic, non-existent crime, and close-knit community environment.
How May We Assist You?
If you require more information on relocating a business, available parcels and buildings, zoning, taxes, employment and job resources or any other aspect related to economic development, please contact the town office.